Author: Will Wright

  • Top 10 Local Coffee Roasters in London

    If you’re a coffee enthusiast, London is a city that won’t disappoint. With a thriving coffee culture, you’ll find a plethora of local coffee roasters serving up some of the best beans in the business. Lets introduce you to the top 10 local coffee roasters in London, each offering a unique coffee experience that’s worth…

  • Comandante C40 vs C60

    If you’re on a quest for the perfect cup of coffee, you’re likely no stranger to the world of manual coffee grinders. The Comandante C40 and the Comandante C60 are two titans in this arena, offering precision, craftsmanship, and exceptional grind quality. In this comprehensive comparison, we’ll break down the key differences and help you…

  • Comandante C40 vs Timemore C3: The Ultimate Manual Coffee Grinder Showdown

    If you’re a coffee enthusiast who enjoys the ritual of manual coffee grinding, you’ve likely come across two heavyweights in the field: the Comandante C40 and the Timemore C3. Both grinders have their own loyal followings, but which one is right for you? Grind Quality Comandante C40: The Comandante C40 is renowned for its exceptional…

  • Sustainable Coffee Practices: How to Enjoy Your Brew Responsibly

    Today, let’s talk about something that’s increasingly important in the world of coffee – sustainability. How can you enjoy your daily brew responsibly? It’s not just about the taste; it’s about understanding the impact of coffee production and making choices that benefit both the environment and the people involved in bringing that delightful cup to…

  • Understanding Coffee Flavors: A Beginner’s Guide to Coffee Tasting

    Are you keen to dive into the world of coffee flavors but not sure where to start? Well, you’re in for an exciting journey. Coffee tasting, much like wine tasting, is an art that uncovers the depth and variety in your cup. Let’s explore this together in a simple, friendly way. 1. Coffee Origins and…

  • 5 Innovative Brewing Techniques Every Coffee Lover Should Try

    You’re likely always on the lookout for new methods to brew that perfect cup of coffee. Exploring different brewing techniques can dramatically change the taste and experience of your coffee. Let’s dive into five innovative brewing techniques you should try to elevate your coffee game. You might already be familiar with the AeroPress, a beloved…

  • The Perfect Shot Of Espresso

    If you’re on a quest to brew the perfect shot of espresso, you’re in for an exciting journey. Espresso, the heart and soul of many favorite coffee drinks, is both an art and a science. Let’s delve into the key elements that make a shot of espresso great and how you can achieve this at…

  • Is The Hive Coffee Roaster Any Good?

    You’re probably at that exciting point where you’re considering a new coffee roaster, and the Hive Coffee Roaster has caught your eye. You might be asking, “Is the Hive Coffee Roaster any good?” Let’s take a closer look at this product, examining its features, performance, and how it fits into your coffee journey. Firstly, the…

  • What Is A Refractometer & Why Should I Use One

    You’re probably wondering what a refractometer is and why it’s a tool you should consider using, especially if you’re passionate about coffee. Simply put, a refractometer is an instrument that measures the concentration of an aqueous solution by analyzing how light is refracted when it passes through it. In the world of coffee, it’s used…

  • Why Coffee Nerds Spritz Their Beans

    Hey there! If you’ve ever found yourself deep in the rabbit hole of coffee brewing techniques, you might have come across a somewhat unusual practice – spritzing coffee beans with water before grinding them. Now, before you write this off as just another peculiar habit of coffee enthusiasts, let’s dive into why this technique is…